Monday, 9 November 2015

Dutch Youth Lead Championships 2015

Today was the youth lead 2015 in Rock Steady in Bussum. I am really happy with the result. I qualified second in the semifinals and managed to stick the hanging ball in the finals which turned out to be enough for the first place. I loved the circus move in the route. Too bad that my figure of four didn’t work out as planned. 

The funny thing is that I was ill last week and in bed for 3 days; I didn’t touch any plastic or rock for 7 days. On Friday I was still so weak I could not do a single pull up. Maybe super compensation does work. On top of that I forgot to bring my shoes to the isolation so I had to climb the finals on shoes I had to borrow from my friend Don. Maybe I should consider switching to five-ten. They did bring me a lot of luck ;).

On our way back home I was with Vincent in the car, two gold medalists in the back seat. We played we are the champions and sang along. We decided that this is just the perfect moment to burn our climbing harnesses and completely focus on bouldering. But then again, I still have an 8b somewhere in Spain that is waiting for me……

I am looking forward to Catch 25 at Bolder Neoliet in Rotterdam with lots of circus boulders and of course the pancake event at Monk in Eindhoven. But most of all I am siked about my Christmas trip to the USA where we will go bouldering in RedRocks and Moe’s Valley.