Thursday, 24 March 2016


After a short lull in the competition season the past two weekends were again dedicated to boulder competitions. The first one was (senior) Boulder 3 In Bolder Neoliet Rotterdam. The setting was very though and I finished 25th out of 34 participants. Nevertheless, I was quite pleased with my performance since I managed to top one boulder and was close to topping another two.
Last weekend Youth Boulder 3 (JB3) was on the menu. The venue Cube boulder gym is al the way on the other side of the country in Enschede. The nice boulders and good atmosphere made the travel more than worthwhile. Before this competition I took a couple of rest rest days and I was pleased to notice that the climbing went smooth and that I enjoyed the boulders. Unfortunately, I needed just two tries too many to make it to the podium and in the end I finished 5th.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to stick this sick dyno.

The day after JB3 there was Catch 25 a local competition in Bolder Rotterdam. This competition is always fun and although I was tired from the day before I participated anyway. I had a great time but decided to quit early because I was tired and didn’t want to risk injury.
We were planning to go to Fontainebleau next weekend (Easter). I was really looking forward to this but the weather forecast is ugly, we will see what we will decide.