Monday, 8 February 2016

Dutch Youth Boulder 2

Last Saturday was the second qualification for the youth bouldering competition. This time we travelled to Kei bouldergym in Amersfoort. The boulders were quite though but nevertheless very nice. Unfortunately, the climbing didn’t go as well as I had hoped for (to say the least). I felt very weak and had no body tension what so ever, probably because I trained to hard during the previous week. After about one and a half hour into the competition I only had topped one out of the ten boulders that were set for us. 
Fortunately, enough I managed to recaptured myself and was able to top another four boulders during the final half hour. It was however too little too late and I ended in a disappointing 5th place. For me this was a wise lesson teaching me that in the future I have to take greater care in my competition preparation and the planning of my training. Props up for my training buddy Trevor who took the 3th place!