Soooo I’ve been a bit lazy when it comes to writing my blog… that’s why it’s late this week. O well. Better late than never. I’m back and I can’t wait to tell you about my week.
After feeling not to great for a longer period of time I was siked to head out again. I decided to head over to Kleinfontein and try The Hatchling (8A) a famous Rocklands boulder. Still feeling a little fatigued I had a pretty good session on it non the less. I think one more session could secure me the top. Afterwards Max and I headed to The Fin (7A). I did a repeat and max did a quick send. After this Max had an interview.

Later in the evening we decided to go for a little night session on Black Shadow (8A+) this boulder felt incredibly hard and cool. I’m not sure if I could send it this trip but it’s definitely one for the future.
Wednesday I was feeling a bit tired again from the day before. I headed out to support my friends and to chill with them. In the end of the day I decided to give Pinotage a go with my friends and even though I felt tired this went pretty well.
In the evening we had a charity cultural event at the local school. We got lovely food and the kids had prepared some dances for us to look at. It was an amazing experience and all the profits went to a good causes.
Friday and Saturday I spend in Danger Zone. A newer area near Travelers Rest. I was getting a bit sick of all the company constantly around me, so I decided to go for some solo adventures. After a quick warm up I did a cool 7B+ called Shadow Flight. After this I went to Hot Zucchini (8A) this boulder is super cool but felt a little hard and it was a bit hot for the slopey compression. In a little cave underneath this problem I found The Wormhole (7B+) and did this quite quick. At the end of the day I spent my time underneath The Wee Baby Shamus (8A/+) this boulder involves some squeeze on non existent holds into a toe cam to go to another non existent hold. From this position you do a double clutch to a pinch hold. This boulder is one of the best boulders I’ve climbed on in the Rocklands. Unfortunately I haven’t done it yet after two sessions. Some cooler conditions and a fresh body might do the trick tho.

Sunday I went to Oupoort with Jackson to look at some sick dynos. It is getting hot in the Rocklands and you know what that means… time for dynos!!!
Waking up early to beat the heat Jackson and I went to Oupoort. First on the list of dynos was Baboon Jump (7A) after both flashing it as a warmup we moved the pads a meter and threw ourselves at Mattias Didn’t See It (8A) I had a dream the night before that both Jackson and I flashed this boulder. And well. Dreams do come true sometimes. Jackson and I had a little flash train on this boulder. Moving the pads another meter we headed into The End (8A) we both couldn’t believe it but an hour had past and we had just done two 8A’s the rest of this day would just be gifts.
Later in the afternoon we found ourselves in Powerlines. Here Jackson had a project called Final Destination (8A) after throwing ourselves at that boulder for over an hour we walked away empty handed. We threw ourselves at Superpowered (8A+) and Overpowered (8B) but it was clear that the juice had flown. After a celebratory shake and burger it was time for bed.
Tuesday was time for dyno day
two. Let’s gooo! We had a slow ass start but made it to some cool dynos. I was lucky enough to flash Sex on the Beach (7B+/C) and Jackson and I both topped Barbies Bro/ Ho Ratio (8A) this was such a sick boulder. Starting with a double dyno into a slot finishing off with some technical sloper climbing to finish. After spending quite some time figuring out the top we almost gave up. I went up the boulder to see if we missed a hold and found the shittiest slopey crimp. This was apparently enough cause Jackson did the top with it. I knew it was go time and send the boulder. Jackson followed not shortly after.

For this week there is only one song that makes sense to me. If been on fire these past days and this song resembles that perfectly.
I’m gonna need to do some planning if I want to do all of my projects. I’m not a fan of how close my departure date is getting again. See y’all next week. And don’t forget, be nice, think twice and most importantly, crush some boulders.